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Our specialty areas

Our clinicians are trained in a wide variety of evidence-based therapeutic approaches that are chosen and adapted to meet each client’s individual needs. Traditional offices, play rooms and art rooms allow us to offer developmentally appropriate treatment environments to children, adolescents and adults.

Psychodynamic Therapy

This approach works to improve self-awareness that will lead to changes in ineffective behavior patterns by exploring past experiences and unconscious repetitive thoughts or feelings. A trusting interpersonal relationship between client and therapist is of utmost importance for this work to be successful.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is an approach that focuses on challenging and changing unhelpful, distorted thoughts with the goal of improvement in emotional regulation, development of coping strategies, and positive changes in emotion and behavior. CBT helps to create an awareness of negative or inaccurate thoughts so that life challenges can be viewed with increased clarity allowing for productive responses towards problem solving and personal growth. CBT is effective in adults as well as in children and is often woven into other approaches such as Play Therapy and Creative Arts Therapies. CBT methods are easily translated from office to virtual sessions.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Used as a therapeutic technique, Mindfulness tools helps clients achieve a newfound awareness of environment, thoughts, feelings and physical sensations in a nonjudgmental way with an intentional focus on the present moment.

Mindfulness practice includes meditation, movement and breathing exercises that enhance emotional wellbeing and can be integrated into other forms of therapy used with children, teens and adults. It is the ability to stay in the present moment that creates an appreciation and acceptance of self and others with increased focus and attention and improved mood.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT focuses on providing skills in four key areas: Mindfulness, the ability to accept and be present in the current moment; Distress tolerance; the ability to tolerate negative emotion; Emotion Regulation, the ability to manage and change intense emotions that are causing problems; Interpersonal Effectiveness, the ability to communicate with others in a way that is assertive and maintains a healthy level of self-respect.

Trauma-Based Therapy

Trauma-Based Therapy includes approaches that recognize and emphasize an understanding of how a traumatic experience impacts a person’s emotional, behavioral, physical and spiritual well being. Therapy allows clients to process feelings and memories tied to their trauma with the goal of creating an adaptive perception of the experience that took place.

Substance Use Disorders

Addiction is a powerful disease that impacts individuals, families and communities. Our goal is to reduce the pain, stigma, and shame that often comes with substance use disorders. An integral part of recovery is processing life events that preceded the substance use. This includes components such as familial history, trauma, relationships and mental health diagnoses. Our clinicians specialize in addiction treatment, understand the prevalence of co-occurring disorders, and utilize evidence-based practices to support and guide clients through the complex recovery journey.

Play Therapy

Play therapists follow each child’s lead, using non-verbal, verbal interventions or a combination of the two. In healthy development, people of every age benefit from play and from the added opportunity to communicate by “doing” as well as by “saying”. Play is an intuitive, universal form of expression that begins in childhood and continues into old age and while it may look different during different stages of life, it is a continuous outlet for growth, creativity and healing.

Creative Arts Therapy

Creative Arts therapies are based on the premise that working creatively under the guidance of a qualified therapist, clients become increasingly expressive, verbally and non-verbally. Through this, there is an awareness of self and a creation of a safe and enjoyable space from which to work towards change. Creative therapy can include music, art, poetry, sand tray therapy, play therapy, dance, movement, or any mode of expression that a client is drawn to.

Sand Tray Therapy

Sand Tray Therapy is an expressive, non-verbal treatment approach that is used with children, adults, families and groups. This hands-on method involves the use of sand, water and miniature objects, representing real life and fantasy. This process allows clients to create representations of their inner and outer worlds in the safety and containment of the sand tray.

Group Therapy

Group Therapy is a method of psychotherapy in which a group of children, teens or adults, with similar issues, come together to achieve emotional and behavioral growth. Being part of a group helps clients to benefit from the mutuality of their experiences and as they share information and practice new behaviors in a safe and supportive setting. By interacting with others and receiving feedback from peers, with therapist input, clients gain a deeper understanding of themselves.

Family Therapy

Family Therapy is a form of counseling that helps family members improve communication and resolve conflict and it can be used alone or in concert with other modes of therapy. The goal of family therapy is to foster communication and to strengthen emotional connections between family members and loved ones.

Parent Coaching

Parent coaching teaches positive parenting techniques that support each family’s values and goals for their children. Parents are helped to understand their child’s developmental needs and are provided tools to improve relationships and to address or minimize challenging behaviors. Issues related to potty training, sleep, mood regulation, behavior noncompliance and divorce are some of the many issues that can be effectively worked through using this approach.


Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) is a psychotherapy method that is proven to help children and adults recover from trauma and other distressing life experiences. It is commonly used to treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, panic disorders, phobias, depression, eating disorders, pain disorders, sleep disturbance, performance anxiety and more.

Rather than focusing on changing thoughts, emotions or behaviors, EMDR is designed to help the brain access its natural healing process to resolve unprocessed traumatic memories that have affected brain development and functioning. EMDR can be provided as an exclusive treatment protocol or as an adjunct to other therapeutic approaches aimed at lessening distressing mental health.

We can help you improve...

  • Anxiety
  • Specific Phobias
  • Divorce and Separation
  • Depression
  • School Avoidance
  • High-Conflict Divorce
  • Mood Dysregulation Disorder
  • Panic Attacks
  • Peer-Related Issues
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Grief and Loss
  • Social Skills Deficits
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Encopresis/Enuresis
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Trauma/PTSD
  • Self-Injury
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • High-Risk Adolescents
  • Perinatal Health

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